Social Media & Facebook ADS

Understanding the clients’ buying psychology and their needs must turn into a targeted advertising plan. This provides a starting point for entrepreneurs in developing their business sectorally in social media.
Social media și Facebook ADS
Understanding the clients’ buying psychology and their needs must turn into a targeted advertising plan. This provides a starting point for entrepreneurs in developing their business sectorally in social media.

An active Presence for Client Interaction


Social Media

An inclusive social media marketing strategy translates into associating the company with prominent social networks, all in order to provide consumers with interaction, brand awareness and constant product advertising.

Facebook ADS

After a rigorous market research (which is meant to identify preferences, location, and other demographics), the designing of paid ads is a viable way to reach interested users who may subsequently interact with your site.

Implementation of Social Media Marketing Strategy

The strategic evaluation of the owned social media channels and the highlighting of their weak points (all in comparison with competition companies), are vital steps which we implement by using audit. Setting of growth objectives, planning content that can attract new clients, but also market segmentation, come to programmatically complete the area of ​​interest in social media. The goal is to have a correct staging, lead the company on the path of progressive sales which then bring long-term results. What do you have in mind? A more visible brand? A more frequent client interaction? Brand awareness and user experience?
Referrals from influencers can represent real convergence points for increasing sales. These public figures promote content on specific areas (beauty, technology, real estate, etc.) and have relevant followers in this sense. Certain studies indicate a high level of influence of these people, with more than 40% of followers choosing to purchase the recommended products/services. The advertising process can also be successfully identified within social media platforms. Depending on user preferences, some interaction areas are more heavily trafficked than others. In order to be truly visible, our human resources identify the most trafficked platforms and associate your various contents (advertisements, accounts, short videos, influencer recommendations) according to social network traffic statistics.
Certain content may be more prominent on one platform than another in the same spectrum. For this reason, the testing component comes to accredit the efforts and provide a suitable measurement of early performances by KPIs. Subsequently, the macro level implementation (of all content and at the level of identified social media marketing platforms) must take into account two elementary principles: of non-intrusion and of constant process over time. Even if for example, you can permanently invest in your ads through Facebook ADS, an agency specialized in the social media area will effectively channel your financial resources for you to remain constant and interfere with the user only at key moments (when they visit the site, when they interact with the client relations department, or when they buy a product or look for something similar to the ones you are selling). Social media marketing along with the SEO site optimization can be complementary processes, leading to an increase of your client community. The professionalism employed when carrying out these actions can be quickly identified by the coherence of contents, by their frequency, but also through the activity and impact reports and statistics.
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